Lawns don’t need as much care in the winter as during summer, spring, and fall, but it’s not wise to ignore your lawn completely in the winter months. Winter lawn care involves certain measures that would lead to a lush and healthy lawn come spring. Here are some handy winter lawn care tips you need to follow.
Effective Winter Lawn Care Tips
1. Aerate Your Lawn
Before the first frost in your area, aerate your lawn. Aeration lets your lawn breathe before the grass becomes dormant. It also helps in relieving any compaction created in the warmer months. For effective aeration, let our lawn care professionals in Des Moines handle the job.
2. Fertilize Your Lawn
Once the lawn has been opened by aeration, fertilize your lawn. Applying fertilizer provides the essential nutrients to your grass that it requires as it prepares for the winter weather. The nutrients are absorbed and stored by the grassroots in the winter months.
When spring arrives, your lawn utilizes these stored nutrients, which help make it lush and green. When you provide proper winter lawn care, you can also keep weeds, diseases, and pests at bay once the weather warms up.
It’s also a good idea to apply a ‘winterizing’ fertilizer to your lawn, which is a slow-release fertilizer. A winterizing fertilizer application is a wonderful way to get well-nourished shoots come spring.
3. Keep Lawn Traffic Low
This is an important winter lawn maintenance tip. When the lawn is dormant or frosted, try avoiding walking too much over it. Even strong turf can weaken if you walk too much in an area.
4. Ensure Proper Treatment of Ice
To have a clear and safe path for walking, try keeping the sidewalks, walkways, and driveways free from snow and ice. All American Turf Beauty’s snow removal service can keep these areas clear, freeing you from the chore of removing snow and ice.
5. Maintain a Clean Lawn
During fall, leaves usually pile up on lawns which could lead to lawns getting suffocated before winter. Leaves left on your lawn can become too wet, inviting diseases.
In case the leaves on your lawn are not too wet or thick, mulch them using your mower into small pieces. This can recycle the nutrients in the leaves back into the lawn. If you have thick, matted-down, or wet leaves, it’s better to remove them using a rake.
Additionally, ensure that you remove debris and lawn furniture from your lawn and any spare logs that are left beside the fire pit.
6. Contact a Seeding Expert
Overseeding needs to be done right to get the right results. We have experienced seeding experts in our team who know the ins and outs of lawn overseeding and can transform dull lawns into healthy and green ones. Schedule a consultation with one of our seeding experts today!
7. Be Prepared
Ensure that you’ve prepared your plan for winter lawn care in advance. When the air gets cold, monitor the forecast, and have adequate time at hand to execute your plan before the arrival of the first frost.
Wrap Up
In the winter, your lawn may have to withstand some extreme conditions. Nevertheless, with these winter lawn care tips, your lawn can get the strength to stay healthy over the freezing times and emerge a vibrant and lush lawn once spring arrives. To ensure good lawn health in the winter, consider seeking professional winter lawn care services.AATB can provide the care your lawn needs in the winter. We offer customized winter lawn treatment according to your location, turf type, and other factors. Our lawn care experts in Des Moines know how to keep grass green in winter and can ensure you a healthy and beautiful lawn come spring.