Amp up the look of your home with Permanent Christmas Lights. Most of us refer to our home as – Home Sweet Home. So, there is nothing wrong with improving the curb appeal of our homes. This can be done by changing the interiors and the exteriors.

This festive season, there could be nothing better than revamping the exterior look of your home with permanent holiday lights.

With the holiday season knocking at the door, it’s high time to decorate our homes with Permanent Christmas Lights.

During the holiday season, people only consider decorating the interiors and neglect the exteriors. By doing so they are committing a huge mistake. The exteriors help to create an impression on the onlookers.

A little bit of tweaking with permanent lighting can make a big difference to your home, in terms of look and even salability.

Why Decorate the Exteriors?

Decorating the exteriors during the holiday season with Permanent Christmas Lights is very important. The reason is simple. It not only improves the exterior look of your home but also adds some value to it.

Are Permanent Christmas Lights Ideal?

Be it the Thanksgiving ceremony, Halloween, or a Christmas Party, we all wait for this time of the year to decorate our homes with colorful lights.

For the outside décor, the Permanent Outdoor LED Strip Lights could be useful.

Gone are the days when we had to scavenge the boxes stacked in the basement to bring out the Christmas lights. Once we managed to find them, then decorating the entire house would start. It was a cumbersome process.

Now, you can get rid of this trouble with Permanent Outdoor Christmas Lights solutions, such as PermaLites.

Read on to know why you should consider Permanent Christmas Lights for your home.

Hassle-Free Installation

color changing lights removal

Yes! You heard that right. Permanent Christmas Lights allow you to have a hassle-free installation. With permanent Christmas lighting, there is no need to install or uninstall the LED strip lights again and again. Rather, it’s a one-time installation process.

Cost Effective

save money

In comparison to temporary lights, Permanent Holiday Lights are more cost-effective. How? They won’t burn the buyer’s pocket.

First and foremost, you won’t need to pay someone to put up the lights and take them down every year. By opting for permanent lighting systems for your home, you can save a lot. You will need to pay once for setting up the permanent lights.

Saves Energy

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With Permanent LED Christmas Lights, you can save a lot on the electricity bill. Unlike traditional holiday lights, LED lights consume 50% less energy.

Ease Of Access

The best thing about permanent lighting systems is the ease of access. So, once the lighting system is successfully installed by the professionals of All American Turf Beauty, you can control it from an app on your phone or tablet.

Increased Home Value

Decorate your home with Permanent Christmas Lighting systems to improve its value.

Hardly Noticeable

The permanent lighting systems come with a patented design. Due to its innovative design, it beautifully blends with the roof line.

Works Efficiently

The best thing is that they can work properly during inclement weather. Even if the temperature is below the freezing point, the LED lights won’t explode.

Get Permanent Christmas Lights Installed by Professionals

color changing lights installation

Now that you have decided to install the Permanent Holiday Lights for your home, all you will need is to call our professionals. Our highly trained professionals will visit your house and help you to install and decorate your property in the way you want.

To know more about our outdoor permanent light systems, talk to our experts today!