The 1980s were a revolutionary time in residential holiday decorating. Families prepared for the holidays by purchasing and installing seasonal holiday lighting and décor. By the 1990s, outdoor service companies began to offer professional seasonal decorating services. Christmas Décor is one of the first franchise systems for these services in the United States. All American Turf Beauty partnered with The Décor Group back in the mid-1990s.
By the late 2000s, we saw the first generation of permanent holiday lighting products hit the marketplace. This was in part aided by new LED technology with basic color-changing capabilities. These first brands had long-term challenges with functionality and support. They were mainly dealer-installed lighting systems.
Channel Brite was one of the earliest companies to offer permanent holiday lighting. While the idea was fantastic, their execution was less than ideal. The company has since closed, leaving countless residential, commercial, and municipal customers without access to these services.
Over the past couple of years, several manufacturers have released DIY kits that you can install yourself. A select few of these kits are high quality and could be a great solution. However, DIY installs require at least two people for ladder safety. You’ll also need tools and specialty knowledge to properly cut and mount the channel along the roofline. Most of the channel products are metal, so mechanical ability is required for proper installation. An electrical background for cutting and splicing wire is helpful. Additionally, the installer would need to learn and understand the software side of the installation.
Many of these DIY companies come in and go out of business in a matter of a few years. It’s important to purchase extra parts and supplies if you go the DIY route. The worst-case scenario would be to need a part after the company has gone out of business. Plus, when a company goes out of business, there may no longer be software support.
What many home and business owners discover is that after purchasing extra parts for future repairs and maintenance, they save very little compared to hiring a professional service.
While there are a few DIY suppliers with a high-quality product, most DIY products on the market will not hold up to the outdoor elements long-term. It can be very frustrating to spend all weekend working on a project only to have it fail within a few short months. Plus, many of these systems are not up to local electrical codes. If one such system causes damage to your home, it could lead to an uncomfortable conversation with your insurance company.
Permanent holiday lighting should be up to national and local electrical codes and provide value as a fixture to your home. If you see a kit for $500 to $1,000, run away. The most expensive way to complete a project is multiple times.
DIY Installation

Professional Installation
Permanent holiday lighting can be a challenging installation that is usually left to professionals. For that reason, most home and business owners end up hiring a local service provider.
It’s important to hire an insured contractor who has many professional references and at least 5 to 10 years in the business. An A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau should also be mandatory in your search.
There are many manufacturers that will sell to installers (dealers) with little requirements. The low barrier to entry allows manufacturers to bring on a lot of installers quickly, but the downside is they may have very little experience or training. While the product might be excellent, the installation and service might be lacking. The other challenge with this model is that installers go in and out of business constantly. That makes it challenging for a homeowner to get service after the sale.
Christmas Décor is known for its franchise system in the United States and Canada. Since the 1980s, The Décor Group has put together renown products and training with the goal of getting the very best results for their customers. This has resulted in great product lines and consistent service for customers in Iowa and throughout North America for decades.
The other critical component of permanent holiday lighting is how the system looks at night. Permalites365 by The Décor Group came out in 2016. A high level of investment went into the patented channel and lighting system. The software was developed in Texas by a SharkTank invested engineer. Mark Cuban fully supports and believes in this lighting system, as he’s heavily invested in it.
The unique protected qualities of Permalites revolve around how they simulate a traditional Christmas bulb at night. The alternative down lighting products do not look the same. They provide obstructed views and are blocked by the peaks on most homes. This creates an undecorated (or unlit) look depending on your viewpoint of the home or business. Down mounted lights can also interfere with recessed lights installed by the electrician when the home was built.
It’s important to see pictures and drive-by projects that have already been installed. It’s very common for a customer to purchase a downlighting product and be disappointed with the final results. This is especially true if a neighbor has a forward mounting system like Permalites365.
Down Mounted Permanent Holiday Lights


Down mounted systems are typically metal with the lights extruding out of holes in the channel. This exposes the lights directly to UV rays from the sun. Permalites365 is unique in that the entire lighting system is encased in a patented composite channel fully protected from the sun.
Forward mounting lighting systems, like Permalites365, are highly compatible with recessed lighting and ground mounted landscape lighting. In fact, Permalites365 has compatible color-changing landscape lighting that runs off the same Décor Smart App.
The Cost
Realistically, you will not find a quality permanent lighting system to purchase online for $500 to $1,000. If that’s your current budget, it may be best to continue to save up for a future installation. In fact, the average homeowner in Iowa spends $1,500 to $1,800 in seasonal holiday decorating each year with a professional service. That’s one reason why many homeowners are switching to permanent holiday lighting. Versus annual seasonal decorating, it quickly pays for itself.
The cost savings when buying a quality DIY kit might be 30% or less versus hiring a professional service. However, it’s advised that you purchase extra parts for future maintenance and repairs. After doing that there may be very little savings versus hiring a professional. Plus, when you hire a professional, you’ll have their ongoing support.
The average front facing Permalites365 residential installation in Iowa is around $6,000. There are small homes that may cost less and large homes that require significantly more. The final cost is based on the scope of the project. There are commercial and municipal projects that vary widely in cost.
Most permanent lighting companies are within 25% of each other when it comes to cost. For that reason, it’s important to select the lighting system you like best and the installation company you trust for long-term service after the sale.
Final Thoughts
If you decide to invest in permanent holiday lighting, it’s important to do the research and select a product you’ll be pleased with on your home or business for many years to come.
Permalites365 is that rare lighting system that might check all the boxes on your want list. This system is affordable and backed by The Décor Group with a strong franchise support system in place. It’s a forward mounted system that simulates traditional C9 Christmas lights, and it’s backed with a long-term warranty.
For more information on Permalites365 in Iowa, please visit allamericanturf.com.