The modern world demands eco-friendly technological advancements. With that in mind, every business big or small is striving for the most profitable, energy-efficient, sustainable, innovative LED lighting solutions to reduce the carbon footprint on their premises.  

By far, LED lighting solutions are the most energy-efficient lighting options on the market.   

The reasons are simple really. They have the longest lifespan. Plus, smart LED lighting solutions produce a very high-quality light with a wide range of color characteristics. In addition to being small & steady, they remove the breaking or recycling issues from the table altogether.  

But Why Should I Switch To LED Lighting Solutions? 

The modern lifestyle has undoubtedly pushed our schedules way into the wee hours of the night. Be it your residence or commercial property, this has consequently created the need for illuminating outdoor spaces efficiently. 

To remedy that, businesses nowadays are exploring intelligent lighting design fixtures. Among them, advanced LED lighting solutions are given more importance and preference to gain control over consumption and usage.  

We can give you many reasons to make the switch to LED lighting, especially for outdoor applications. The energy savings alone is more than enough to justify upgrading to smart LED lighting solutions. Plus, you can imagine the amount of overall cost reductions, especially for large-scale applications such as shopping mall parking lots. 

Having said that, there are so many factors you need to consider while switching to commercial LED lighting solutions. 

This includes.  

  • Dramatically improved energy efficiency 
  • Greater reliability 
  • Elimination of regular maintenance 
  • Better quality of light  
  • Increased visibility  

4 Advantages of LED Lighting 

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LED lighting solutions offer many benefits for your residence as well as commercial businesses. Here are 4 proven merits of switching to smart LED lighting solutions: 

1. Longer Life Span & Energy Efficiency 

Compared to your average incandescent bulb, the lifespan of an LED light is far superior. It is highly flexible and can be used in homes, offices, hospitals, industries, MNCs, and hotels to bring clarity and enhance productivity at the same time.  

Plus, another big advantage of LED lighting solutions is their energy efficiency. If you replace all your commercial lightbulbs with LED bulbs, you could improve your energy efficiency by 70%-80%. In some cases, it can give you 90% of savings as well.  

In other words, LED lighting conversion is a smart investment for any company’s bottom line. It’ll not only save on replacement costs but regular maintenance costs as well. 

2. Security You Can Trust 

Advanced LED lighting solutions come with built-in motion sensors. They can detect human presence in the workspace and turn the lights on. This sudden illumination will alert your security team. So, they can secure the area tightly in that very instance and avoid mishaps.  

Additionally, intelligent lighting will also ensure that your space will remain well-lit when there are people around and subsequently switch off automatically during the opposite. 

Overall, these visual alarms have indeed proven helpful in accident-prone areas like warehouses, storage rooms, and medical facilities.  

3. Dimming Capabilities and Low Voltage Operations  

If your business facility is located in a flood-prone area, you’d very much want to use lights that require as little voltage as possible.  

LEDs can operate on incredibly low voltage. By choosing these low-voltage commercials LED lighting solutions, you’re essentially protecting your staff from potential harm or fatal shocks. 

For example, during a flood clean-up, someone may touch electrical equipment by mistake. A low-voltage lighting system is much safer than a line voltage system, as it generates less electricity. 

Another added benefit of LED lighting conversion is its deeming capabilities. When dimmed, most LED lights for the home can perform well from about 5% to 100%. That’s because LEDs operate more efficiently when you use less-than-full power.  

This has added benefits, such as increasing the lifespan of the bulb. Plus, when you’re consuming less energy, you’re reducing your energy costs too. 

4. Smart LED Lighting Solutions Offers Health Benefits Too! 

Yes, you read this right! In addition to being more energy-efficient, cost saving, and environmentally friendly, LED lighting solutions to offer significant health benefits too.  

  • Fewer Headaches – Smart LED lighting eliminates the common glare in sodium lights. They dramatically reduce glare and eyestrain, which is a common symptom associated with headaches and migraines. 
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  • Better Sleep – As you know, the melatonin hormone is often referred to as the compass that manages our biological clock. It is mainly responsible for regulating the circadian rhythm. You can control the light emission of the LED Lights in warmer colors to stimulate melatonin production. 
  • Non-Toxic – We all know how harmful mercury can be even in insignificant amounts. In contrast to incandescent and fluorescent lamps, LEDs do not include hazardous materials such as mercury.  

Take The Next Step To Smart Lighting With AATB 

NiteTime Décor by All American Turf Beauty is one of the premier LED lighting solution companies in Iowa. We provide a wide range of lighting options with features specifically designed to meet your unique lighting needs. We offer advanced LED lighting solutions with contemporary styling and design for higher energy that blends with urban architecture seamlessly.  

Precision, uniform light distribution, and customizable design options enhance your outdoor safety. Explore our range of outdoor LED lighting products, from permanent lighting to commercial to architectural and landscape lighting. We’re always here to help you illuminate outdoor spaces, in the right and efficient way.